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My money learnings Akshaya Easwar My money learnings Akshaya Easwar

3 pivotal money lessons we have learnt from covid-19.

All of us were shattered by the Covid-19 pandemic. Not just us – Individuals, but the global economy itself has encountered an unavoidable recession.

Not just that our travel, parties, and social gatherings have been turned down, but the pandemic has played havoc with our money and financial security also. Most of the families and organizations went stony broke. Studies show that – ‘The pandemic

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My money learnings Prerna Khemlani My money learnings Prerna Khemlani

How investing changed my life

In my early days, I’d be scared of investing because I didn’t want to lose my money (known as loss aversion in behavioral science) but the more I read, the more I understood – the chances of your money disappearing completely is less than 1% and if you diversify well, even lower!

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